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How children learn new skills or knowledge?


There are so many theories, studies and research looking at how children learn and develop.  The two key concepts that I will highlight for parents and teachers are the multi-sensory approach to teaching and the process of matching, sorting and independent learning.

Multi-Sensory Learning:


Statistics show:

Only 10% of what you hear you remember.

30% of what you hear and see you remember.

BUT 70% of what you hear, see, say and do you can remember.


Multi-sensory learning is about using as many senses as you can at the same time. When using more than one sense the chances of recalling information or knowledge are greatly increased.


We also know that everyone learns in different ways and therefore will pick up new concepts through different teaching approaches with the least effective being just auditory learning!


So parents and teachers out there – if you want your children to remember what you want them to do or what you have taught them then you need to do more than just talk at children!


Jolly Phonics is a multi-sensory approach to the teaching of reading and writing. It uses visual, auditory, and Kinaesthetic (movement) at the same time!  This gives children the most fun and exciting way of learning and most importantly gives them the best chance to remember those all-important phonemes and spelling rules. 




​Click here for more information on Jolly Phonics.


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